Saturday, December 18, 2010

My first blog

Today I was reading Carrisa's blog, I believe for the first time.  I never really got into the whole blogging world, but I realize now more than ever how much I was missing.  As I read every entry she wrote spanning back the last couple years, I realized that Carrisa was a lot deeper than I ever knew.  She went through a lot of struggles that I never got to talk to her about.  I regret that now, but I know there's no point in looking backward.

I know I'm not one to reveal my feelings too readily.  I say what I think, but I don't always say what I feel.  I wait for others to ask me because I don't want to unload myself on people who aren't really interested.  But maybe people just don't always know what to ask, and maybe that's why blogs are a good way to just let people into your life a little more.

This is something I had been meaning to start anyways, as I've felt for awhile now that I need some kind of non-school related hobby.  So I hope I can stay more connected to the people I love this way.  I'm so thankful Carrisa left those words behind for me to read, and for us to remember.   It's time to move forward now.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica, I am so glad that you will be blogging now. I know for me, writing is SUCH an easier and more clear way to express myself, rather than talking. I love my blog for that reason. People can know me in a way they otherwise wouldn't. Love you! Can't wait to read all your posts, and be your first "follower"
